Roger on the Radio – BBC Interview

Our very own Satoshi Nottingham Roger was asked to appear on Sarah Julian’s show on BBC Radio Nottingham.

Having been bumped from the original Monday morning slot to Tuesday morning Roger was given a quick fire opportunity to spread some Bitcoin truths.

Having thought about it he was going to only direct listeners to visit the website and consider attending a meetup to learn more about Bitcoin, but the questions appear to have been directed by a different agenda following a local footballer losing over a million pounds in a ‘crypto’ scam and the latest announcement by the Financial Conduct Authority stating that anyone who invests in ‘crypto’ should be prepared to lose all their money.

As we are bitcoin-only enthusiasts Roger probably agrees about ‘cryptos’ and he focussed instead on trying to use the brief few seconds on air to point out it’s about Bitcoin, and Bitcoin is the discovery of digital scarcity which like the wheel cannot be rediscovered or reinvented.

Here is a link to a recording of the interview one of our supporters was kind enough to provide.

If there are any news organisations or media producers that want an interview please get in touch via the contact details on this site and we will be delighted to discuss the facts about bitcoin.

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Bitcoin Lightning Wallets

Discover why Bitcoin Lightning changed the game, install a Lightning mobile wallet and get free sats!

One of the greatest developments with bitcoin is the ability to conduct near-free and instant cross border transfers with the Bitcoin Lightning layer.

What this means in real terms is that if we are sat next to each other and I send you some bitcoin, from my phone to your phone, you will see it deducted from the balance on my screen and added to the balance on your screen instantly, and with a fee so small it is irrelevant.

The key point however, is that we don’t have to be sitting next to each other, we can be on total opposite sides of the world and the payment will still be received instantly and almost for free.

This totally changes the game with regards people trading with one another for goods and services because with Lightning you only need a smartphone to access this technology and lighting offers these advantages over traditional mobile banking:

  • Payments are person to person and are processed automatically by the software which is running on 1,000s of computers there is no intermediary organisation which has to approve or that could censor your payment
  • Lightning accounts are available to everyone, without registration of name & address, mobile, email or IP
  • Payments are not on the public chain and the history of the payment is private to just you and the account you traded with

Don’t worry about how it all works for now, just start learning with one of the free lightning wallet mobile apps and we’ll even send you some free sats so you too can experience the power of trading with anyone, anywhere in the world, instantly.

At Bitcoin Nottingham we believe Lightning is likely to become the standard global method of payment for all merchants everywhere in the world. That might seem like a bold statement, but it is already being used in developing nations very successfully, and has fast become a lifeline to the worlds 4Billion un-banked and those living under represive dictatorships!

Anyone who says Bitcoin doesn’t have a use case was likely born in to the dollar bubble and should probably check their own financial priveledge first before deciding this life saving technology has no use!

Decide for yourself if you think you could learn to use these apps if your life depended on it, for some people transacting for groceries daily with lightining it actually does and therefore will continue to gain popularity and adoption.

Why not choose to understand Lightning before you have to, maybe you will find some way to use these new skills to the betterment of you and your family, so what are you waiting for, get an app installed and working, and I’ll personally send you a little money for free!

Here is a list of popular bitcoin lightning compatible wallet apps that work on both ios and Android, we suggest you try them in this order to find one that works the best on your device

  • Wallet of Satoshi “The world’s simplest Bitcoin Lightning wallet
  • Breez “The Interface of the Lightning Economy”
  • Muun “Muun is a self-custodial wallet for bitcoin and lightning.”
  • Bitnob “This is your money without limits”
  • Exodus Mobile “Control your wealth anywhere”

If you have a technical problem you cannot get past then you may need to do a little reading of the getting started guides or watch a few how to videos on youtube, and ultimely you may need to contact a wallet provider for support (or just try the next wallet in the list). Remember if it was really easy everyone would be doing it already, sometimes you have to learn these skills through trial and error!

Once you manage to get a Bitcoin Lightning wallet app installed we’ll send you some free sats to experiment with if you drop on to the Bitcoin Nottingham Telegram channel at where you can share a lnurl address generated by your wallet when you click on Receive.

Once you have received your first lightning deposit from someone, you should find someone else to share the story with and send them some sats in your very own “Hello World” first Bitcoin Lightning transaction.

If you want to see a Bitcoin Lightning transaction in real time then come to one of our Bitcoin Nottingham Meetups and get help in person from someone who has done it before, really it’s as easy as sending an email, once you are setup but these things all seem a bit alien at first so the meetups are a great way to learn about it from other people who are already doing it. See when the next meetup is here

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